If you’re a chemical industry manager, you know all too well the back-and forth required to offload product – be it prime, off-spec, damaged, or surplus chemicals and polymers. From endless phone calls to pricing based primarily on backwards-looking data, it’s a process more beholden to tradition than to efficiency, ease, or optimized profits.

What if we told you there is an easier, more efficient way?

A new model is emerging that is fair, efficient, and mutually beneficial for both sellers looking to capitalize on of-the-moment market conditions and for buyers looking to find and bid on for the chemical or polymer they need.

Kemgo eAuctions.

Chemical eAuctions, which are exclusive to Kemgo, streamline and standardize the chemical sales process, resulting in real-time information, competitive prices, and astounding ease for buyers and sellers alike. A true win-win.

Kemgo was founded in 2015 by and for the chemical industry by German and American industry executives and advisors with decades of collective experience in this space. In just a few years we have become the platform of choice for the largest chemical companies globally, partnering in efforts to provide optimized experiences and outcomes for sellers and buyers. Kemgo eAuctions deliver spectacularly on a few key fronts:  


The very nature of live auctions is the ability to sell chemicals for whatever price the market will bear. By letting the market dictate price, eAuctions bring sellers much closer to demand pricing. Plus, the auction model cultivates healthy competition between prospective buyers that often drives pricing higher.

None of this is undone by fees. Kemgo’s transaction-based pricing charges sellers a modest flat fee based on the total sale. Even after paying, the majority of Kemgo sellers report unmatched profit. On the other side of the transaction, buyers pay for nothing except the product they’ve won the right to purchase.

Efficiency and Security

Ease of use, streamlined functionality, and positive buyer experiences are increasingly important to businesses and consumers across transactions and industries, and are particularly valuable in a commodities space. Kemgo eAuctions were designed with this in mind.

Selling, bidding, and buying with eAuctions takes place via a process that looks and feels similar to consumer auction websites including a “Buy now” functionality that closes bidding if a buyer meets a seller’s desired price.

Expanding this further: With Kemgo eAuctions, reps no longer need to notify each prospective buyer manually. Rather, sellers (or their suppliers) create and initiate their auction on our website then send an email invitation to buyers who might be interested. Interested buyers register to participate. Subsequent email communication and notifications are clear and automated, making users aware of auction starts, closes, and when they’ve been outbid. Functionality is sophisticated, letting participants search by product specification. Kemgo eAuctions also offer the option to protect against last-minute bidders (known as bid sniping) by extending auctions by one minute for each eleventh hour bid. It’s all remarkably easy to use, even for those who aren’t digital natives. Auctions are as secure as they are easy. High degrees of data security ensure confidentiality and security.

The icing on the cake: Sellers in particular describe eAuctions as fun. They enjoy the excitement of watching prospective buyers vie to be the highest bidder.

Buyers say they wonder why someone didn’t think of this years ago. Because sellers invite buyers they know, the experience is more friendly and customized than many expect, not to mention immensely fair. No longer wondering if they’re at the top of a supplier’s list of phone calls, buyers have equal footing in bidding on products they need and want. In a recent survey. 100% of Kemgo buyers said they would participate in another Kemgo eAuction if invited, primarily because of its ease.  

Winning Customer Experience

Kemgo assists sellers with product registration and auction setup as well as auction strategy:

Should they use a standard, Dutch, or English-Yankee auction model?

What time of day will it open and close?

What’s an ideal auction duration?

What’s the minimum bid and buy now price tag?

Though intuitive, eAuctions do benefit from our nuanced strategies that can maximize objectives including profits.  

We acclimate prospective buyers, too. Kemgo buyers’ videos explain the auction sign-up and bidding process, including payment, documentation, and logistics in the event that an auction is won. This all moves quickly, because when you register, eAuctions are remarkably easy to navigate.

eAuctions are proving to be the future of global chemical transactions. Want to hear more? Reach out to for a 30-minute demo.


Use Kemgo eAuctions to Boost Chemical Sales – Quickly, Easily, Sustainably

If you’re a chemical industry manager, you know the back-and-forth required to offload product – be it prime, off-spec, damaged, or surplus chemicals and polymers.

From phone calls to pricing based primarily on backwards-looking data, global chemical sales are more beholden to tradition than to efficiency, ease, or optimized profits.

What if we told you there is an easier, more efficient way to buy and sell chemicals globally?

A new model is emerging that is fair, efficient, and mutually beneficial for chemical sellers looking to capitalize on of-the-moment market conditions and for chemical buyers looking to find and bid on the chemical or polymer they need:

Kemgo eAuctions.

Chemical eAuctions, which are exclusive to Kemgo, streamline and standardize the chemical sales process, resulting in real-time information, competitive prices, and astounding ease for buyers and sellers alike. A true win-win.

Kemgo was founded in 2015 by German and American industry executives and advisors with decades of collective experience in chemical sales. In just a few years we have become the platform of choice for the largest chemical companies globally, partnering with them to provide optimized experiences and outcomes for sellers and buyers.

Kemgo eAuctions deliver spectacularly on a few key fronts:  


By letting the market dictate sales price, eAuctions bring sellers much closer to demand pricing – a far cry from historical and even online marketplace pricing based on backwards-looking figures and rolling averages. The very nature of live auctions is the ability to sell chemicals for whatever price the market will bear. Plus, the auction model cultivates healthy competition that often drives pricing higher.

Our fees are fair and easy. Kemgo’s transaction-based pricing charges sellers a modest flat fee based on the total sale. Even after fees, the majority of Kemgo sellers report unmatched profit. On the other side of the transaction, buyers pay for nothing except the product.

Efficiency and Security

Ease of use, streamlined functionality, and positive buyer experiences are increasingly important to businesses and consumers across all transactions and industries, and are particularly valuable in a commodities space. Kemgo eAuctions were designed with this in mind.

Selling, bidding, and buying with eAuctions takes place via a process that looks and feels similar to consumer auction websites like eBay, including “Buy now” functionality that closes bidding if a buyer is willing to meet a seller’s desired price.

Expanding this further: With Kemgo eAuctions, reps no longer need to notify prospective buyers manually. Sellers (or their suppliers) simply create and initiate their auction on our website and send an email invitation to buyers who might be interested. Buyers then register to participate. Email communication and notifications are clear and automated, making users aware of auction starts, closes, and when they’ve been outbid. Functionality is sophisticated, letting participants search by product specification. Kemgo eAuctions also provide the option to protect against last-minute bidders (known as bid sniping) by extending auctions by one minute for each eleventh hour bid. It’s all remarkably easy to use, even for non-digital natives. And auctions are as secure as they are easy. High degrees of data security ensure confidentiality and security.

The icing on the cake: Many sellers in particular describe Kemgo eAuctions as fun. They enjoy the excitement of watching prospective buyers vie to be the highest bidder.

eAuction buyers say they wonder why someone didn’t think of this years ago. Because sellers invite buyers they know, the experience is more friendly and customized than many expect, not to mention immensely fair. No longer wondering if they’re at the top of a supplier’s list of phone calls, buyers now have equal footing in bidding on products they need and want.

In a recent survey, 100% of Kemgo buyers said they would participate in another eAuction, primarily because of how easy it was.

Winning Customer Experience

Kemgo assists sellers with product registration and auction setup as well as auction strategy:

Should they use a Dutch or a traditional auction model?

What’s an ideal auction duration?

What time of day will it open and close?

What’s the minimum bid and buy now price tag?

Though intuitive, eAuctions do benefit from our nuanced strategies that can maximize objectives including profit.  

Kemgo acclimates prospective buyers, too. Our buyers’ videos explain the auction sign-up and bidding process, including payment, documentation, and logistics in the event that an auction is won. This all moves quickly, because once you register, eAuctions are remarkably easy to navigate.

eAuctions are proving to be the future of global chemical transactions. Want to hear more? Reach out to for a 30-minute demo.

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